Springtime arrives, and so do these pesky ants! Tiny as they may be, they have the most unique ways to enter your home and kitchen in bulk-loads. Prevention seems to be a better way to keep them away, and here are some additional curative measures to get rid of them...
If you are a gardening enthusiast and need help and advice about the how’s and whys of tending to your trees and plants, here are 5 great gardening apps that will do the job for you. Garden Compass: this app makes your smartphone your gardening companion! This...
The "Berkeley method" or hot composting method helps in making the fastest compost- in the range of 14-18 days or 2-3 weeks time span. As compared to cold composting that takes months to convert to usable form and leaves big pieces behind, this method gives...
Coca cola being a very favoured cold beverage is found practically all across the world. It is widely used and promoted as one of the popular beverage brand. Did you know that you could keep your house clean and get other chores done using Coca-cola? Here’s how…...
Clean and streak free glass windows, table tops, windows and doors make you and the world look at each other differently. These were a few tricks to get that spotless glass furniture that you dreamt of! 1. 50-50 water and vinegar solution: this is an age old remedy to...