by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
Why you should clean your shower head: Let’s be honest. The shower is the one place that we can go to during our day to escape from all that is we call life. But think about it this way, shower heads are used to clean you, and if we do not make it a habit of cleaning...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
You would think that vacuuming is the one task that you would think everyone should be able to do without a hitch, right? Wrong. Turns out, most people, if not all, do not know how to vacuum the proper way. Vacuuming, as it turns out, is more than just merely going...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
Have you been noticing sudden breakouts in your skin? If this happens even though you are taking extra good care of your skin, then it is time to look at your makeup brushes and sponge applicators and ask yourself when was the last time you had them cleaned. If you...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
Granted, not all of us know how to keep a real life plant alive. Most of us do not even have the time to. Hence the reason why fake plants, be it plastic or silk, is the best way to have that similar effect of real flowers to spruce up your living space without the...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
While curtains can add a very homey and cozy feeling to any space, it is understandable why blinds are much more preferred by many homeowners and tenants alike. For one thing, they are a lot easier to clean and hold less dirt than curtains do – that is if only you...