by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
With summer already upon us and school just a few weeks away to be officially over, it is time to bring out the grill and make good use of it! After being tucked away for months at a time, it is better to have your grill go through a thorough cleaning. Especially if...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
When it comes to cooking, gas cooktops are usually our BFFs (best friend forever). Think about it, the level of precision and control you get from a gas stove is unbelievable. Using an electric stove when you want perfect control of temperature is not the wisest of...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
When it comes to keeping our dishes clean, dish brushes are probably our most dependable tools. Think about it, you cannot but admit that a dish brush does a really good job of cleaning your dishes. However, that’s not why we’re calling it our “favourite” option....
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
When it comes to maintaining our expensive clothes, we usually do everything in our power to make sure they stay perfect. After all, we don’t spend hundreds of dollars on something to only wear it once! No matter how hard we try to save our favorite, priceless clothes...
by Patricia Eldridge | Blog
When it comes to personal hygiene, most of us never compromise. Let it be carrying around hand sanitizers or alcohol wipes, we’re always prepared. We make sure the food we eat is perfectly hygienic too, even when we’re eating outside (obviously, you won’t eat from a...