If you live in Chicago or any other industrial metropolis, you know how jam-packed-crowded the city can be. From the trains and buses and even the sidewalks and every shop, nook and cranny, people are everywhere. Naturally, living amongst a place with a lot more people means a lot more germs are spread every day. Whether you know it or not, you bring those germs back home each time you go out. Luckily, most big cities have protocols in place to pack a major punch in sanitation and use solid practices to keep things clean and healthy. In this post we’ll go over 5 ways the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) paints the town with suds and how to incorporate these commercial cleaning methods in your own home.  


1. Routine Disinfection:

CTA vehicles undergo regular disinfection of high-touch surfaces such as handrails, seats, and fare boxes.  

How to apply this at home: Pick a day of each week when you get home to take 10 minutes for wiping down every handle in your home, meaning every door handle in and outside the house, every sink handle, and every toilet seat with a disinfectant wipe or liquid disinfectant of your choice.


2. Electrostatic Sprayers:

CTA uses electrostatic spraying technology used to evenly distribute disinfectant across surfaces. This method helps in reaching all areas, including hard-to-reach spots, ensuring comprehensive coverage and effective pathogen control. 

How to apply this at home: Instead of shelling out a few hundred bucks or so on buying an electrostatic sprayer (unless you want to), you can incorporate this technique using a regular large spray bottle and a gentle or diluted sanitizing solution. Simply fill the bottle with a sanitizer of your choice (making sure it’s been cut with water) and spray around hard to reach areas in a thin misty layer to make sure the liquid does not sit and ruin any materials. 


3. UV-C Light Sterilization:

Some CTA vehicles utilize UV-C light systems to kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces. UV-C light is known for its effectiveness in sterilizing surfaces and reducing microbial load. 

How to apply this at home: Although the sun’s UV-C rays don’t reach Earth, you can still take full advantage of the other UV rays that can help to reduce bacteria in your home. You can achieve this by leaving all of the curtains open during the brightest hours of the day to let the sun do it’s job and kill some of the bacteria on floors and other surfaces it reaches. If you prefer it shady when you’re home just use this method when you know you’ll be gone for a few hours during daytime.


4. HEPA Filters:

CTA buses and trains are equipped with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters in their ventilation systems. These filters help capture airborne particles, including dust, allergens, and some microorganisms, improving overall air quality within the vehicles. 

How to apply this at home: An easy way to mimic this method is simply by making sure your air filters are changed 3-4 times a year. Most people don’t realize how often they’re actually supposed to change the filter and this can not only cause respiratory issues, but can also potentially damage your A/C system. Additionally, a great way to clean and filter the air is by investing in an air purifier or if you have a green thumb, using indoor plants that are known for their cleaning properties such as the popular snake plant or monstera. 


5. Automated Cleaning Systems:

Some CTA vehicles may use automated cleaning technologies, such as robotic cleaners or specialized cleaning machines, which are designed to efficiently clean floors and other surfaces, ensuring consistent and thorough maintenance. 

How to apply this at home: Living in a technological era, you can pick and choose through hundreds of automated cleaners and electric cleaning tools that are made for the home. Electronic vacuuming bots, battery operated wall sprayers, and electric scrubbers with extended wands are just some of these modern conveniences you can use to incorporate commercial cleaning power into your personal space to keep it sparkling and fresh.


Above all else, any home that’s cleaned on a regular basis will be easy to keep clean and healthy for everyone who lives there. Keep in mind that you can always hire a professional team to ensure your home always stays sanitized, freeing up your cleaning time and giving you peace of mind. If you’re located in the Chicago area, feel free to give us a call to see what we can do for you!