Now that we’re back into full blown fall season you may have an upcoming trip or holiday vacation planned. While the excitement of seeing friends and family awaits just on the other side of a plane ride, there’s nothing like getting sick during much needed time off to put a damper on your travels. If you’re flying this season, check out these clever tips to ensure you travel clean and germ-free on any flight so you can get the most out of your vaycay! 


Wipe down everything  

Don’t you dare sit down on the plane before swabbing your seat! Make sure to pack a handful of individually wrapped sanitation wipes or alcohol pads with you for your trip. These don’t count towards your carry-on liquid limit and will come in handy for keeping bacteria at bay. As soon as you board the plane make sure to wipe down as much as you can. This includes your seat, armrests, front folding tray, TV screen, seat belts, and above lights and fans.  


Bring a cover for your seat-stowed luggage 

The floor on an airplane is a perfect germ haven. Although airlines clean their planes on a regular basis, who’s to say the floor beneath each seat was actually disinfected? If you’re worried about lingering germs that could transfer onto your stowed luggage it may be a good idea to bring a cover for your bags. There’s plenty you can buy online but you can always go the free route and use things like trash bags or, for smaller items, grocery bags. Even better, these bags are cheap and discardable after use.  


Have back up soap ready 

Just in case the plane bathroom is out of soap you should always keep a small amount with you. Pack a 3oz or less bottle filled with antibacterial soap or dish soap of your choice. 

If you’re low on room for liquids you can also try this dry soap hack: Grab 2 or 3 paper towels and cut them in half. Place them on a clean waterproof surface like a counter top. Simply pump a small amount of soap on each half sheet of and smear it across gently as to apply an even layer across the sheet without ripping it. Let the sheets dry completely then fold them into a zip lock bag. Once you’re ready to use the sheet, just wet them and rub on your hands to activate lathering. 


Use disposable gloves in the cabin bathroom 

You never know what kinds of things are happening in a public restroom. Contamination is rampant in these spaces and because of this, it’s a good idea to air on the side of extra caution. We understand carrying a few pairs of nitrile gloves seems excessive when using a public restroom, but if you want to be especially careful as to not get sick during vacation, this may be the ticket.  


Practice good self-awareness 

Try to refrain from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, as this can introduce germs into your body. Being mindful of this can significantly reduce the risk of transferring bacteria. Because planes can be a cold and dry environment, make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to support your immune system. Staying hydrated can help your body fend off unseen germ infections more effectively. You can also pack an extra pair of socks and light jacket if you know you get cold easily. 


Lastly, you know yourself better than anyone else. If you would feel more comfortable being away from others on a flight, you can always check and ask an attendant if there is extra open seating that you can move to. If you have time to plan ahead still, booking a flight during odd hours and during the week will give you a greater chance to be in a less crowded space. Above all else, washing your hands regularly on a flight is a safe bet to flying clean and germ-free!