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6 Disposable Items into DIY Cleaning Tools 

6 Disposable Items into DIY Cleaning Tools 

Before your next trash day, keep any eye out for items that you can use one last time to help you clean the house with ease. Here are 6 disposable household items you probably have laying around to turn into one-time-use cleaning tools:   Worn out T-shirts Shirts...

28 Ways To Show Your House Some Love

28 Ways To Show Your House Some Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches this month, love is in the air. People tend to show admiration in different ways. For many people it’s to that special someone, to other’s it could be to friends or family, and for some it may even be even treating themselves by showing...

3 Actually Obtainable Cleaning Resolutions

3 Actually Obtainable Cleaning Resolutions

If you set goals last year to keep a cleaner space and they fell through, you’re in the majority of goal-setters. Although we try our best to keep the excitement and motivation of resolutions going, it’s easy to let things fall through the cracks. Did you know that...

8 Gift Ideas for a Clean & Organized Space

8 Gift Ideas for a Clean & Organized Space

‘Tis the season of showing loved ones you care with special gatherings, traditional festivities, and giving gifts that show that you love and understand them. Although some people are more of a challenge than others when it comes to finding a perfect gift, one gift...

How to Travel Germ-Free ✈️

How to Travel Germ-Free ✈️

Now that we’re back into full blown fall season you may have an upcoming trip or holiday vacation planned. While the excitement of seeing friends and family awaits just on the other side of a plane ride, there’s nothing like getting sick during much needed time off to...

Cleaning during the Mid-Century Era vs Today 

Cleaning during the Mid-Century Era vs Today 

Do you ever feel grateful when you clean the house? If you don’t, you might feel differently after reading this post. Here we’ll be going over 5 big differences between cleaning habits and norms during the mid-century verses today. Here’s an obvious hint, we...

How to Clean Delicate Surfaces Without Damaging Them

How to Clean Delicate Surfaces Without Damaging Them

It’s time we talked about the stuff in your house you don’t think you need to clean. The stuff you tell yourself doesn't need cleaning, but really, you actually don’t know how to clean it, so you just don’t. We’ve all been there, but it’s time to clean those vintage...

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