Our Blog
4 Ways to Keep Your Closet Pristine
If you’re like most, you probably hang on the borderline of keeping a clean home but stray far from keeping a clean closet. If this is true, don’t worry. You’re not alone. So why does it seem so dang hard to keep the closet organized and clutter-free? It could...
Top 5 plants you would want in your home and why
Which one are you? Plant lover Flower Lover Can’t have any plants Want plants but always end up killing them Whoever you may be, there is certainly a plant that is right for you. Plants have always been nice to have in our homes. Not only are they healthy, but...
How often should we really be cleaning our homes?
Cleaning our homes has always been a challenge for a lot of us in many ways. From choosing what brand is best to use in what areas to how can we efficiently clean with the little time we have. Most of us probably had to re-evaluate the way we do certain things or had...
Things You Should and Should Not Recycle
Of course one of the first things you want to do in today's world is to help take care of our environment. But, in the process, are you cramming some things you shouldn't into your recycling bin? We've put together a few things that you should never place there and a...
6 Quick Tips to Clean Effectively when you’re Super Busy
Life always seems busier than we'd like it to be. Often we find ourselves being like we're overworked, overstressed and overscheduled. It's natural to forget things or lose our sense of priorities. Take a look at these 6 quick tips and maybe some of them will help you...
10 Cleaning and Other Useful Hacks
Keeping your home clean during the winter can be easier if you have the right tools to help you do the job. In many cases, the right tools do not need to be expensive off-the-shelf products, but something you keep around the house entirely for different purposes. Here...
Keep Your Home Germ-Free this Winter
Winter is a great time of the year. No more of those hot days of summer, just clean, clear air with an often snowy landscape outside. Unfortunately, it's also the time of year when germs and bacteria are much easier to transport around. The chances of becoming sick...
Natural Remedies for Flu Symptoms
Nearly everybody catches the flu (or influenza) around this time of year. It pretty much seems to go with the season. There are several kinds of viruses that can give you the flu and, while there is really no cure for the disease, there are some natural remedies that...
Solving Tricky Home Cleaning Problems
A lot of the problems you run across when you're trying to clean your home are ones that you really hate doing. Some of them probably either require a lot more work than you'd like, or they seem to take forever to accomplish. We've bunched together a few of these...
6 Quick Ways to be Ready for Christmas
Where did the year go? It's almost Christmas again! Well, whatever happened, we've got your back covered so you can be ready for guests to come during the holidays. Here are a grand total of 6 quick ways to give you lots of extra space to entertain your expected...